14,000 lbs. Load Hydraulic Shock Snubbers

March 28, 2003
14,000 Lbs. Load Hydraulic Shock Snubbers
14,000 lbs. Load Hydraulic Shock Snubbers

Piping Technology & Products recently designed and manufactured four fig. 2100 hydraulic shock snubbers for a refinery in California. Carbon steel was used to manufacture these snubbers. They support a maximum load of 14,000 lbs., have a 3” cylinder, and 5” stroke load.  This was a custom job where the customer provided the figure number, cylinder size, and stroke load; we built the snubbers according to these specifications.

Do you see a need for hydraulic snubbers in your piping system? Get pricing today!

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200 U-Type Constants with 46" of Travel

March 21, 2003
200 U-Type Constants With 46&Quot; Of Travel
200 U-Type Constants with 46″ of Travel
200 U-Type Constants With 46&Quot; Of Travel
200 U-Type Constants with 46″ of Travel

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. recently designed and manufactured 200 U-Type upthrust constants for a geothermal plant in Hawaii. The constant pictured on the left has frame dimensions of W 40″ x H 75″ x L 142″, a constant load of 9,888 lb. to 10,239 lb. and a design travel of 46″. It also utilizes rollers and PTFE, 25% glass filled slide plates to reduce the friction resulting from axial movements. All the constants in this project are composed of A36 carbon steel. Standard load testing and travel testing were conducted prior to shipment.

Do you require custom constants like those described above? Let us price them for you today!

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Special Application Variable Springs and Constant Supports

March 19, 2003
Special Application Variable Springs And Constant Supports
Special Application Variable Springs and Constant Supports

The three pictures above show materials being crated for shipment overseas. At the top center are pallets of variable springs designed for 10” of movement and 1000 pound load. This unusual combination of requirements is satisfied by an unusually long coil. This project required 700 of these variables. At the bottom center are constant supports designed for 14” of movement with loads near 2000 pounds. This large movement, unusual for this load, requires the large arc seen in the frame of the constant body. Two hundred of these constants were required. These spring supports are painted with a shop prime.

Do you see a need for variable or constant springs in your piping system? Get pricing today!


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Pipe Shoes and Stand Assemblies for a Cross-Generating Station

March 7, 2003
Pipe Shoes And Stand Assemblies For A Cross-Generating Station
Pipe Shoes and Stand Assemblies for a Cross-Generating Station
Pipe Shoes And Stand Assemblies For A Cross-Generating Station
Pipe Clamps

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. recently designed and manufactured 46 of these support assemblies for a cross-generating power station in South Carolina.  These pipe shoes and assemblies are composed of carbon steel and accommodate pipe with diameters ranging in size from 18”-32”. All of these components are strong enough to support maximum installed loads of 8,000 lbs.

Do you have a requirement for pipe shoes? Get pricing today!


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